
I would like to welcome you home to a place for those of us who feel busy and distracted by our world and disconnected from the peace of God.  I know what it is like to be busy. I have seven children and  have an other “real job” that covers one third of America besides work here at aquietwater.com. I also love to complain about all the upkeep and remodel work on our historic 1905 house that overlooks the Puget Sound north of Seattle. I wake up each morning to a hundred distractions to take me away from what is really important. 

When we are busy and distracted we lose peace. We don’t take time to commune with God and talk to God in prayer. We don’t grow in love with God by study and meditate on the Word of God. We can become forgetful not remembering where we have been or where we have come from. A lot of us have trouble putting the right emphasis on the right things.

For the past ten years, we have been talking about this. Where should our focus be? And how we can change our focus and still be productive people? After all, the apostle Paul says those who can work and don’t should not eat.

The words of British poet Robert Abrahams say it well, For some men die by shrapnel, And some go down in flames, But most men perish inch by inch, In play at little games.” We try to ferret out the little games and put a stop to them. And our age is full of the abundance these games that draw us away from Christ to what are almost always random dead end pursuits.

We have been asking ourselves how can we get closer to God and put the weight of our lives on what matters most. We write encouragement, give creative ways to keep studying the Bible, have resources on how to pray when we don’t want to, and how to remember what God has done for us.

We hope this website is a “help” to you. Contact us at prayer@aquietwater.com or sign up below.

Thank You for Stopping In

Doug and Margo



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